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The first Masses of St. James Parish were celebrated in Schweier’s pool room in Wesleyville in 1921. Under the leadership of Richard Ford, F. W. Schlindwein, and Henry Schloss a petition was sent to Bishop John Mark Gannon to appoint a priest to shepherd the new parish. At the time, there were approximately one hundred families who attended the fledgling church. Their request was granted by a young Bishop Gannon with the appointment of the Reverend Francis P. Coughlin, the assistant at St. Patrick’s, Erie.

Official groundbreaking ceremonies were held March 2,1922 by Bishop Gannon and the dedication of the original frame church on Sunday, November 26, 1922. A substantial contribution was given to the parish by the Catholic daughters of America in appreciation of Father Coughlin’s service as their chaplain. A home for the pastor and his future assistants was completed in 1926.

However, it was not until the late forties when sufficient funds were available to construct the present Gothic styled limestone church. Under the guidance of Father Coughlin and Father Walter Lohse, the church was completed and dedication ceremonies were held on October 3,1949. Father Lohse who had served as a chaplain in the United States Army during World War II had been assigned as assistant to Father Coughlin in May, 1946.

In 1957, St. James school was constructed. At first a three story building was contemplated to be built behind the new church. But, limited playground space nullified this plan. Consequently, largely through the efforts of Father Lohse, land was purchased across the street from the church and rectory in 1955 where the school now stands. The architectural firm of Meyer, Krider and Werle designed and developed plans for the new school. On November 10,1956, the plans were approved and permission was granted by Bishop Gannon so construction could begin. S. Niebauer and Sons were the general contractors. The new school was completed late in 1957 at an approximate cost of $500,000. Official opening of the school had occurred on September 26, 1957 with an enrollment of 377 students. Bishop Edward P. McManaman, auxiliary Bishop of Erie, held dedication ceremonies on May 28, 1958. The school was staffed by the Sisters of the Divine Spirit until 2016.  In the fiftieth anniversary year of the parish in 1971, there were fifteen classrooms with 480 students and a faculty of nine sisters and seven lay teachers.

During the same month the school was dedicated, Monsignor Coughlin retired and was named pastor emeritus at the age of eighty-six! His health had been fragile in the late years, and it was the energetic young Father Lohse who was largely responsible for the parish expansion that took place during his twelve year tenure (1946-1958) as an assistant to Monsignor Coughlin. He was assigned to the pastorate of St. Walburga, Titusville in July, 1958.

About three years after his retirement, Monsignor Coughlin entered new life on January 16, 1961. Solemn Pontifical Mass was celebrated on January 19,1961. Burial took place in Calvary Cemetery, Erie.

Francis P. Coughlin was born in Belfast, New York on December 19,1874. He attended public schools from which he entered St. Bonaventure College and Seminary. He was ordained by Bishop Charles H. Colton of Buffalo on May 25, 1907. Earlier he was given an exeat from the Buffalo Diocese to work in the Diocese of Erie. Perhaps, this decision was influenced by the fact he was a cousin of the Cauley brothers who labored for several decades at St. Patrick Church in Erie. His assignments took him to Sharon, St. Joseph (July to October, 1907); Oil City, St. Joseph (October to November, 1907); Meadville, St. Brigid (November 1907 to June 1917); Erie, St. Patrick (June 1917-April, 1921). His last assignment was as founding pastor of St. James, Erie from April 1921 to May, 1958. He was honored as a Papal Chamberlain on January 24,1954.

In May, 1958, the Reverend Monsignor Francis J. Turner was appointed pastor with Father Robert Cohan as his assistant. Under their capable leadership, a parish debt of $476,000 was eliminated by 1969. In addition, several major improvements were made without incurring further debt. With plaster falling from the ceilings and walls of the rectory, the rectory was remodeled to make a more comfortable home for the pastor and his assistants. After thirteen years as pastor of St. James, Monsignor Turner resigned June 3, 1971 and was appointed pastor emeritus. He lived in residence at St. James rectory until March 28,1981 when he died at the age of ninety-two!

Francis James Turner was born February 8,1889, at Paterson, New Jersey. He studied Philosophy and Theology at St. Bonaventure Seminary, Allegheny, New York and was ordained at St. Bonaventure Church in Paterson, June 29, 1921 by Bishop John J. O’Connor for the Diocese of Erie. Father Turner served in several parishes as an assistant pastor before he succeeded Father Francis M. O’Connell as pastor of Immaculate Conception, Madera. Subsequent assignments found him in service to the churches of Saints Cosmas and Damian, Punxsutawney (1939-1957), St. Julia, Erie (1957-1958), and St. James, Erie (1958-1971). He was named a Papal Chamberlain in January, 1954 and a Prelate of Honor in December, 1970. Bishop Michael J. Murphy celebrated the Mass of Christian burial with his brother priests on April 1,1981.

With the resignation of Monsignor Turner, the Reverend Robert W. Cohan was appointed administrator of St. James Parish June 3,1970 until he became Pastor on September 13,1974. He has guided the spiritual and temporal welfare of the parish with unselfish dedication for more than a quarter of a century.

Robert W. Cohan was born January 18,1929 in Warren, Pennsylvania. He attended schools in Warren and Cathedral Prep and Gannon College in Erie. He studied for the priesthood at Christ the King Seminary, Allegheny, New York and was ordained May 19,1955 by Bishop Edward P. McManaman in St. Peter Cathedral. He was named a Papal Chamberlain with the title of Reverend Monsignor on January 13,1992. Msgr. Cohan resigned as pastor on December 1, 2002 for reasons of health and died at the priests' retirement home in May of 2003. 

Fr. Dennis C. Hadberg assumed the pastoral leadership of St. James in February, 2003. During his four years as pastor he completed several beautifucation projects in the church, rectory, and parish grounds.

Fr. James P. McCormick became our pastor on July 1, 2007. In addition to his pastoral responsibilities, he continues to serve as a teacher at Cathedral Preparatory School. 

On July 9. 2024, St. James Parish was enlarged with the addition of St. Mark the Evanelist and Mt. Calvary Churches to our parish family. The history of those two churches will be published in the near future.